Forster Park Friends

Woodland Volunteering Session
Saturday 22 March, 10am -12noon

Join us for a practical session by the Woodland Garden to help manage our ancient woodland. Celebrate the Spring Equinox as we shift properly into Spring this week!

  • We’ll be rebuilding a dead hedge, tidying the log circle area and planting bulbs in the woodland garden.
  • ⁠Tools and gloves will be provided.
  • ⁠Meet by the Woodland Garden, nearest to the Longhill Road entrance.
  • ⁠All welcome.
  • Look forward to seeing you this Saturday!

Green Flag Award

We are delighted that our park has achieved Green Flag status. Thanks to all our volunteers, Lewisham Council and Glendale colleagues for helping us achieve this important milestone.

Art in the Park

Check out our Interactive Tree Trail with kids’ and grown up versions.

Celebrating the wonders of nature

Have you seen our Woodland Garden mural?