Pole 1


Welcome to the Forster Memorial Park’s Tree Trail!

This trail was created as part of the Ancient Woodland Restoration project delivered by London Borough of Lewisham in partnership with the Friends of Forster Memorial Park in 2023-24. The aim of the project was to improve the woodland in the park both for biodiversity and the local community.

The project included woodland management activities (e.g. coppicing, glade creation), tree works, tree planting, and the creation of a woodland garden and a boggy area which you will visit and hear more about as part of this tree trail. Although main activities of the project were completed by March 2024, Lewisham Council and the Council’s parks contractor will continue to manage and monitor the woodland according to the management brief, in partnership with the Friends of Forster Memorial Park

Take a closer look at the wooden pole with the QR code. These poles were made from reclaimed tropical hardwood and you can see the pre-drilled holes for native solitary bees to nest in. Are any of the holes blocked? If so, that could indicate that bees are using the pole for nesting!

See locations of the other tree trail poles and project activities on the map below.

The project was part of the second round of the Rewild London Fund supported by the Mayor of London, in partnership with the London Wildlife Trust.

Click here to go to Pole 2