What’s On

Upcoming Events

Junior Park Run
, 9.00-9.30 AM
A free, community event where children aged 4-14, and their families, can walk, jog, or run, 2km round Forster Park. If you don’t feel like taking part you can volunteer or spectate. Parkrun is positive, welcoming and inclusive, there is no time limit and no one finishes last. Everyone is welcome to come along. Free to Join.
More info: Parkrun UK

Healthy Walks, 10.30-11.30am
Join this friendly walking group for a walk to and around Forster Park. Meet 10.45am at the Longhill Road entrance to the park. No booking needed, just turn up. All are welcome!
More info here.

EarlyBird Bootcamp, 
Rise, shine, and get moving! Forget the morning coffee, roll out of bed, grab those trainers and meet us in Forster Park to press up, squat and burpee as the first rays of sunlight shine through the trees in the morning breeze! Mixed event, suitable for all. £8.50/session. Meet at the pavilion.
More info and to book: www.gymcatch.com/app/provider/154/contact

Gardening Club, 10.30am-12.30pm
Meet at the Centenary Sensory Garden (top edge of the playing field). These are weekly Volunteer Gardening sessions. More info foforstermemorialpark@gmail.com or in the Forster Park Friends Facebook group.

Lewisham Lionhearts U12 and U14 football training, 
Football training for 10-14 year old boys and girls (school years 5-9), all abilities welcome. www.fclewishamlionhearts.org
Contact details:  07776 763206 (best)  or www.lionhearts.club , info@lionhearts.club

Saturday and Sunday
SportsFun4All football club, 10am-12noon
Football club for boys and girls of mixed abilities and ages 3-14, with FA qualified coaching staff. 
More info: www.sportsfun4all.com

Looking back at previous events!

Friday 22nd July 2022, exactly hundred years since the park opened. This was our open day.

Food stall at the open day on the centenary of the opening of Forster Memorial Park
Lots of Nice Cakes!
Forster Memorial Park Open Day 22nd July 2022
One Hundred Years of Forster Park

The Sensory Garden

Please note: 

All weekly activities are run by third parties unless stated above, please check up to date information with individual contacts. Friends of Forster Memorial Park accept no liability. 

#Love Forster Park? 

Please report:

Any graffiti, fly tipping, vandalism or anything broken to Lewisham@glendale-services.co.uk and on Love Clean Streets. Report fallen trees here. Call 111 or 999 if you see any illegal activity.

Join and support our work as a member of Forster Park Friends here.

Share your #parkplay and follow us @ForsterMPark on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Volunteer to join our lovely team and help keep improving our lovely park. Email volunteeringfofmp@gmail.com to find out more and get involved. Thanks!
