New Gym – Tell Us What You Think!

We hope you are enjoying autumn in the park.

How are you getting on with the new gym especially?

Forster Part Outdoor Gym – tell us what you think!

We would like to hear your feedback so far, how you are using the equipment, and what else you might like to add.

Please do our short survey here, it’s really quick and we value your thoughts:

As you know, Lewisham Council and Sevenfields Primary Care Network recently installed some new gym equipment in Forster Park – they are keen to get feedback on this from park users.

As well as this, thanks to Phoenix Community Housing residents, we have the opportunity to add to the adult gym equipment as part of our Green Shoots project, and we want to know what else you would like!

If you would like to get in touch directly with us to share your thoughts on the gym equipment, or on anything else in the park then please do.

You can email us at or find us on social media: Instagram @forstermemorialpark; Facebook: Friends of Forster Memorial Park; Twitter @ForsterMPark

Thank you!
Rachel, Forster Park Friends

💚 Celebrating 100 years of Forster Memorial Park and designing for the future together.

ForsterPark100 #LoveForsterPark #WeareLewisham #ParkPlay #GreenShoots #PhoenixTogether #WeareLewisham #CatfordArtsTrail

Do survey now

What’s on in the park

Regular activities
Healthy Walks
Tuesdays 10.30-11.30am
Join this friendly walking group for a walk to and around Forster Park. Meet 10.30 Goldsmiths Community Centre SE6 1QD or 10.45 at the Longhill Road entrance to the park. Free. All welcome!
Register online

Gardening Club
Weekly Volunteer Gardening sessions
Friday mornings, 10.30am-12.30pm.
Meet at the Centenary Sensory Garden (top edge of the playing field). The garden is inclusive for all volunteers and visitors. More info or in the Forster Park Friends Facebook group.

Lewisham Lionhearts U12 and U14 football training
Saturdays 9.30-11.30am
Football training for 10-14 year old boys and girls (school years 5-9), all abilities welcome.
Contact or 07391 747 579

SportsFun4All football club
Saturdays 10am-12noon and Sundays 10am-12noon
Football club for boys and girls of mixed abilities and ages 3-14, with FA qualified coaching staff.
More info:

The Frothy Coffee Hut is open daily from 9am to 4pm in the Pavilion, serving hot and cold drinks, food and ice creams. Table tennis bats now available to borrow. @frothycoffeehut

The toilets are open daily over the summer in the Pavilion. A key to the disabled toilet and baby change facilities is available – just ask any of the cafe staff next to the toilets.

Please note: All weekly activities are run by third parties unless stated above, please check up to date information with individual contacts. Friends of Forster Memorial Park accept no liability.

To share your activity here, please email the activity, time, day/date, cost, booking details and contact info to Thanks

Love Forster Park?

Please report any graffiti, fly tipping, vandalism, litter issues or anything broken to and on Love Clean Streets. Report fallen trees here. Call 111 or 999 for any illegal activity.

Join and support our work as a member of Forster Park Friends here.

Share your #parkplay and follow us @ForsterMPark on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Volunteer to join our lovely team and help keep improving our lovely park. Email to find out more and get involved. Thanks!


Catford Arts Trail comes to Forster Park!

How are you enjoying autumn in the park and the new outdoor gym? It feels good to look around the park and see all the improvements this centenary year so far, and we are so grateful for all your positive feedback and support this year.

We have a busy Autumn in store and more improvements to come too…

Firstly, we are very excited that the Catford Arts Trail is coming to Forster Park!

Come and make some nature and landscape art with us this Sunday 9th October in the Outdoor Learning Area and on 16th October in the Sensory Garden, 2-4pm, and join the rest of the arts trail through Catford and Bellingham.

More details below

There will also be a Peace of Cake community gathering in the Sensory Garden for Sabina Nessa on Sunday 23rd October and a Lewisham launch of the four new outdoor gyms on Saturday 29th October.

We’ll be in touch about some other things but please do in the meantime pop in to any of these events and say hi.

Forster Park Friends

💚 Celebrating 100 years of Forster Memorial Park and designing for the future together.

#ForsterPark100 #LoveForsterPark #WeareLewisham #ParkPlay #GreenShoots #PhoenixTogether #WeareLewisham #CatfordArtsTrail

What’s on in the park

Events Catford Arts Trail
Sunday 9th and 16th October, 11-4pm 

9th October – in the Outdoor Learning Area with Secret Adventurers’ Club
16th October – in the Sensory Garden with Secret Adventurers Club and Kitchen Buddy, including morning foraging workshop

Drop in and make some nature and landscape art with our #GreenShoots team. All welcome.

#WorldFoodDay2022 WeAreLewisham #phoenixtogether Catford Arts

Regular activities Healthy Walks
Tuesdays 10.30-11.30am
Join this friendly walking group for a walk to and around Forster Park. Meet 10.30 Goldsmiths Community Centre SE6 1QD or 10.45 at the Longhill Road entrance to the park. Free. All welcome! To register Click Here

Gardening Club
Weekly Volunteer Gardening sessions

Friday mornings, 10.30am-12.30pm.
Meet at the Centenary Sensory Garden (top edge of the playing field). The garden is inclusive for all volunteers and visitors. More info or in the Forster Park Friends Facebook group.
Lewisham Lionhearts U12 and U14 football training
Saturdays 9.30-11.30am
Football training for 10-14 year old boys and girls (school years 5-9), all abilities welcome.
Contact or 07391 747 579

SportsFun4All football club
Saturdays 10am-12noon and Sundays 10am-12noon
Football club for boys and girls of mixed abilities and ages 3-14, with FA qualified coaching staff. 
More info:

The Frothy Coffee Hut is open daily from 9am to 4pm in the Pavilion, serving hot and cold drinks, food and ice creams. Table tennis bats now available to borrow. @frothycoffeehut

The toilets are open daily over the summer in the Pavilion. A key to the disabled toilet and baby change facilities is available – just ask any of the cafe staff next to the toilets.

Please note: All weekly activities are run by third parties unless stated above, please check up to date information with individual contacts. Friends of Forster Memorial Park accept no liability.

#Love Forster Park?  Please report any graffiti, fly tipping, vandalism, litter issues or anything broken to and on Love Clean Streets. Report fallen trees here. Call 111 or 999 for any illegal activity.

Join and support our work as a member of Forster Park Friends here.

Share your #parkplay and follow us @ForsterMPark on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Volunteer to join our lovely team and help keep improving our lovely park. Email to find out more and get involved. Thanks!
